Collaboration w/ Dionysus Brewing
Entropic is a blend of the oldest barrels at each brewery of our Berliner Weisse inspired bases, Berlinersfield and Berlinerish. The Dionysus barrel was two years old and ours was about 18 months. Both barrels tasted amazing, but it was clear that if they aged much longer they would start to go bad. This made me think of entropy, and the inevitable decline of all things. Entropy is the second law of thermodynamics which states that energy moves from a state of order to disorder (in a closed system).
We decided to blend the barrels together, split it between the two of us, and fruit separately with different blends of tropical fruit. Dio decided to add passionfruit, mandarins, and tangerines. I decided to play into the entropy vibe even more. We bought the ripest papayas we could find, and then waited to process them until they were extremely ripe. We re-fermented our portion of the blend with the papaya and also some pomelo zest. But we also saved a few pomelos and aged them in our fridge for as long as possible. They were weird looking and had a bunch of black spots, but they still tasted delicious. We added a small amount of the juice from these pomelos at bottling to brighten up the beer a bit.
Entropic is pretty tart with that super funky flavor from the papayas. It was packaged exclusively in 375ml bottles, but we also filled a few magnums to pour at our Sour Fest this weekend (tickets still available!!)
“Entropy will eventually turn all beer and fruit to shit, but you can catch it on the edge and preserve something beautiful. Enjoy this beer while contemplating the inevitable heat death of the universe. Cheers.”
375 ml bottle (limit 3)
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